Welcome in Algeria


  Welcome in Algeria
A travel in this great country, it is a leap into a world auxmultiples facets, or are scrambling to infinity paysagesenchanteurs, historical sites, sounds and fragrances exquisgravant, amid unforgettable emotions, fabuleuxsouvenirs.
Nomofficiel: Democratic Republic of Algeria etpopulaire.
Capital: Algiers
Area: 2,381,000 km2
Population: 35 million hours
Leslangues: Arabic, national and official language, national Tamazightlangue, French widely used.
Status: Republic presidential system with a bicameral parliament.
Flag: Green - White struck with a crescent and a star rouge.Brandi for the first time in history, lesmanifestants by the events of May 8, 1945 réclamantl'indépendance ALGERIA.
Hymnenational: Quassaman "oath". The parolesont written by activist Moufdi Zakaria at sonincarcération to Serkadji (Barbarossa) of Algiers.
Religiond'état: Sunni Islam
Currency: Algerian Dinar (DA)
100DA = € 0.97
100DA = $ 0.74
Indicatiftéléphonique: 213
Domaineinternet dz
Décalagehoraire GMT + 1
Fêteset public holidays:
January 1: Day of the year.
May 1: Labour Day.
5 July: Independence Day.
November 1st Anniversary of the Revolution of 1954.
Avecune area of ​​2,381,741 km2, Algeria, ALA is both the largest country in Africa, the Arab world and the bassinméditerranéen and tenth in the world. It shares common with desfrontières, west, Morocco, Mauritania andthe SADR, east, Tunisia and Libya and south, Mali andTHE Niger.
The Algériese characterized by the diversity of its relief between littoralméditerranéen (1280 km), the highlands, the mountain chaînesde of the Tell Atlas and the Sahara desert, vasteétendue two million km2.
Lapartie consists of Saharan ergs, regs, oases and mountain demassifs as the Hoggar including Mount Tahats culminates à2 918 m.
Leclimat prevailing north is Mediterranean, with oscillating between 8 and 15 ° C in winter destempératures.
Ellesatteignent 25-27 ° C from May, the moyenneétant from 30 to 35 ° C from June to September. In massifsmontagneux and the highlands, temperatures range between -5et + 5 ° C in winter and between 30 and 38 ° C in summer.
AuSud, the temperature is between 15 ° C and 28 October àavril and up to 45 ° C in summer.

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