Oued el Hamiz

Oued el Hamiz
The rapid urbanization of Algeria, coupled with the absence of a policy of the city during the past thirty years, has promoted the development of substandard housing, or foxhole. Originally the hut was the little house Summary Algerian countryside, almost a shack; by extension, the term refers to the slums of the country today. The capital has between 2.4 and 4 million, much of which is piled up in the slums of the city center. But slums extend further and further in the periphery, as to encroach on agricultural land. Thus, a shack has developed throughout the Wadi El-Hamiz, and the river serves as open sewer. Blocked by private property, its linear extension is confined to the banks of the river, not urbanized classified by the government. The sanitary conditions are deplorable and the people suffer such severe skin conditions. Pollution many wadis is a major public health problem in Algeria.

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